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Cocaine News

June 1, 2024

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Researchers have uncovered a mechanism in the brain that allows cocaine and morphine to take over natural reward processing ...
New research provides new insights into the brain processes underlying cocaine addiction. The findings are crucial for developing new therapeutics and identifying an imaging marker for cocaine use ...
Researchers report that cocaine addiction disrupts the dopamine neurons that govern how we perceive and learn from rewards. Though people with cocaine addiction have similar expectations of rewards ...
Researchers have discovered a new piece in the puzzle of the brain's 'feel good' substance, dopamine. According to one of the researchers behind the new study, the discovery may facilitate the ...

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updated 11:21am EDT

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Scientists have long known that cocaine works by latching on to molecular connectors on the surface of brain cells, allowing dopamine, a chemical that promotes feelings of pleasure and reward, to ...

New research finds that drug withdrawal-induced anxiety and reinstatement of drug seeking behaviors are controlled by a single pathway in the brain and centered around dopamine ...

Researchers used high-resolution technologies to see how dopamine circuitry in mice is affected by addictive drugs. The results answered older structural questions, while raising new ones about ...

A molecular switch influences addiction behavior and determines how strong the response to addictive drugs is. A research team made the discovery in mice treated with cocaine. The researchers ...

Researchers describe how withdrawal from nicotine, methamphetamine and cocaine alters the functional architecture and patterns in the brains of mice, compared to control animals, a key to developing ...

By identifying the role of serotonin during cocaine use, scientists explain why only one in five persons becomes addicted to this ...

People who have a high sensation-seeking trait in the brain could be more susceptible to drug addition, according to a new ...