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Bladder Cancer News

June 15, 2024

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A novel therapy that reprograms immune cells to promote antitumor activity helped shrink hard-to-treat prostate and bladder cancers in mice, according to new ...
More than 65,000 men fall ill with prostate cancer each year in Germany. Twelve thousand of them develop a treatment-resistant form which eventually ends in death. Now, a team of researchers has developed an active substance that might in future ...
For 40 years, chemotherapy has been the standard treatment for bladder cancer patients who can tolerate this medicine. However, the results were limited, and lasting results were rare. In recent years, two groundbreaking phase-3 clinical studies ...
A high expression of the enzyme beta1,4-galactosyltransferase-3, or B4GALT3 is associated with noticeably shortened survival rates in several types of immunotherapy cancersdeficiency in mice TIME inhibits tumor growth. The study shows that a ...

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updated 10:43pm EDT

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Many bladder cancer patients cannot tolerate the strong side effects of the gold standard treatment. Researchers have found a way to minimize those side effects and are poised to move into clinical ...

Investigators have identified genetic signatures that could predict whether tumors in patients with bladder and other cancers will respond to ...

Development of a precision medicine technology based on artificial intelligence that predicts immunotherapy response in cancer ...

Male sex hormones interfere with the body's ability to fight bladder cancer, likely explaining why males experience higher cancer rates and more deadly disease, according to a new ...

Researchers describe a novel form of gene regulation that is altered in bladder cancer, leading to the boosting of a gene pathway that helps the cancer cells survive during rapid growth. The work ...

Researchers share the identification of a new potential target for CAR T cells called OR2H1 that they have demonstrated inhibits growth in lung and ovarian ...

In a small but multi-institutional study, an artificial intelligence-based system improved providers' assessments of whether patients with bladder cancer had complete response to chemotherapy ...

Researchers have found that treatment with miR-634 reduces the resistance of oral squamous cell carcinoma cells to cisplatin, resulting in increased tumor cell killing. An ointment containing miR-634 ...

Adding an anti-inflammatory medication to immunotherapy and standard chemotherapy drugs may provide long-term suppression of aggressive bladder tumor growth, according to a proof-of-concept ...

Researchers discovered how ovarian cancer hides from the body's immune system. The findings will help develop novel precision therapies for ovarian cancer, a common and aggressive cancer ...

Identifying the dynamic events occurring during urinary tract infections (UTI) has revealed a new potential strategy to combat this condition, considered the most common type of ...

More than half of U.S. women will experience at least one urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetimes, while a quarter will have a subsequent infection. Recurrent urinary tract infections are ...

Two recent studies describe the potential of liquid biopsies to identify and track tumor growth in two very different cancers: bladder cancer and peripheral nerve tumors. Despite the differences ...

Researchers have found adding the experimental drug entinostat to an immunotherapy-like treatment substantially boosted cancer remission in mice. This approach shows such promise that it's ...

A new treatment for advanced urothelial cancer was effective with tolerable side effects in an international, multi-center phase 2 clinical trial. The trial results prompted a U.S. Food and Drug ...

Researchers report a study has demonstrated that patients with advanced bladder cancers whose tumors have a mutated FGFR3 gene respond to immunotherapy in a manner that is similar to patients without ...

A blood test that can detect tiny amounts of circulating cancer DNA may be able to identify risk of cancer recurrence and guide precision treatment in bladder cancer following surgery, according to a ...

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