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Consumerism News

July 26, 2024

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Consumers' attitudes and health behaviors respond negatively to the switch to daylight saving ...
PFAS, the potentially cancer-causing chemicals known as 'forever chemicals', have become an increasing concern in home drinking water. Solutions to reduce the risk of exposure range from mandated ...
Concierge services built on artificial intelligence have the potential to improve how hotels and other service businesses interact with customers, a new paper ...
Consumers exhibit a higher willingness to pay for products that are part of a circular take-back ...

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updated 9:19pm EDT

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A recent study explored the relationship between corporate climate change mitigation actions and the cost of capital for 2,100 Japanese listed companies from 2017 to 2021. The findings reveal that ...

A study has found that when using cashless methods of payment, individuals tend to spend more when ...

Actually, sometimes consumers don't want to talk to a real person when they're shopping online, a new study suggests. In fact, what they really want is a chatbot that makes it clear that it ...

The global economy will grow slower in the 21st century than economists have expected, a finding that has implications for our ability to adapt to climate change in the coming decades, according to ...

Initial data from a clinical research study aimed at increasing diet quality and decreasing cardiovascular risk shows positive results. The study, called Supermarket and Web-Based Intervention ...

By breaking the laws of physics in a virtual reality environment, researchers find that changing the location of a virtual assistant's voice in specific ways can be used as a tool to build ...

Expensive ongoing treatment for cancer and diabetes are the best-known drivers of the medical debt that contributes to two-thirds of personal bankruptcies, but a new study indicates other chronic ...

A significant number of people who have survived cancer are living in poverty, which can have negative effects on their physical and mental health, according to ...

The COVID-19 pandemic affected American households in countless ways, but according to researchers, some of the most tangible shifts are taking place in the food ...

Do you have a secret stash of chocolates that you keep from your partner, or do you intentionally keep your spouse from knowing about something you bought online? New research indicates that small ...

It is well documented that maximizers are less happy with their product-choices than are satisficers, but would this mean that maximizers use their products less? The authors conducted two studies ...

Using our own smartphone -- but not a stranger's phone -- pushes us into an individualistic mindset that has us prefer products and services that are rare, special or customized to our ...

A new analysis suggests that the Nutri-Score -- a label indicating the overall nutritional quality of a food product -- can counteract the misleading effects of sugar ...

Companies selling ethical and sustainable products should use up-tempo major mode music in their marketing to help well-meaning consumers convert their good intentions into actual purchases, new ...

The study found that shoppers who drank a cup of complimentary caffeinated coffee prior to roaming the stores spent about 50 percent more money and bought nearly 30 percent more items than shoppers ...

People don't want science anywhere near their delicious chocolate chip cookies. But they're happy to have science create body wash that fights odor-causing ...

Individuals with student loan debt into early middle age have a higher risk of cardiovascular illness, undermining the usual health benefits of a post-secondary education, researchers ...

Collective wisdom dictates that online shoppers gravitate toward the highest-rated products. But new research debunks this and shows top reviews carry more sway in a customer's final buying ...

When cities or counties institute plastic bag bans or fees, the idea is to reduce the amount of plastic headed to the landfill. But a new analysis finds these policies, while created with good ...

Restricting supermarket placement of less healthy items and increasing the availability of healthier alternatives in these stores may be promising interventions to encourage healthier purchasing ...

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