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Top Science News

February 14, 2025

Fossil collectors in Florida have discovered an ancient sinkhole, now at the bottom of a river, which holds the remains of animals rarely seen in the state, including a type of giant armadillo, giant ...
A biohybrid hand which can move objects and do a scissor gesture has been created. The researchers used thin strings of lab-grown muscle tissue bundled into sushilike rolls to give the fingers enough strength to contract. These multiple muscle ...
Researchers have made a breakthrough in the development of 'life-like' synthetic materials which are able to move by themselves like worms. Scientists have been investigating a new class of materials ...
Who hasn't been there? The big meal is over, you're full, but the craving for sweets remains. Researchers have now discovered that what we call the 'dessert stomach' is rooted in the brain. The same nerve cells that make us feel full after a meal ...

Latest Top Headlines

updated 12:03pm EST

Health News

February 14, 2025

Newly discovered brain cells count each bite before sending the order to cease eating a ...
To get treats, apes eagerly pointed them out to humans who didn't know where they were, a seemingly simple experiment that demonstrated for the first time that apes will communicate unknown information in the name of teamwork. The study also ...
A new study found that younger siblings generally receive more favorable treatment from parents. Meanwhile, older siblings are often granted more autonomy, and parents are less controlling towards them as they grow ...
A new study shows that the risk of developing dementia anytime after age 55 among Americans is 42%, more than double the risk reported by older ...

Latest Health Headlines

updated 12:03pm EST

Physical/Tech News

February 14, 2025

Scientists have just detected a neutrino that is thirty times more energetic than any previously detected anywhere in the world. This exceptional discovery opens up new perspectives for understanding extreme energy phenomena in the Universe and the ...
Euclid, the European Space Agency's dark Universe detective, has made an astonishing discovery -- right in our cosmic ...
Astronomers have characterized the largest-ever early-Universe radio jet. Historically, such large radio jets have remained elusive in the distant Universe. With these observations, astronomers have valuable new insights into when the first jets ...
In a milestone that brings quantum computing tangibly closer to large-scale practical use, scientists have demonstrated the first instance of distributed quantum computing. Using a photonic network interface, they successfully linked two separate ...

Latest Physical/Tech Headlines

updated 12:03pm EST

Environment News

February 14, 2025

Earth's inner core is undergoing structural transformation. Located 3,000 miles below the Earth's surface, the inner core is anchored by gravity within the molten liquid outer core. Until now the inner core was widely thought of as a solid sphere. A ...
Sixty-six million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous Period, an asteroid impact near the Yucat n Peninsula of Mexico triggered the extinction of all known non-bird dinosaurs. But for the early ancestors of today's waterfowl, surviving that mass ...
Researchers have analyzed the soft tissue from a fossilized plesiosaur for the first time. The results show that the long-necked marine reptile had both smooth and scaly skin. This was likely so it could both swim rapidly and move along rough ...
In India, tigers haven't just survived they're making a comeback. Despite a growing population and increasing pressure on their habitats, the number of wild tigers is rising. The reason? According to a new study, it's a combination of ecological ...

Latest Environment Headlines

updated 12:03pm EST

Society/Education News

February 14, 2025

A groundbreaking study finds evidence that land was inherited through the female line in Iron Age Britain, with husbands moving to live with their wife's community. This is believed to be the first time such a system has been documented in European ...
Scientists have mapped the amount of water stored beneath volcanic rocks at the crest of the central Oregon Cascades and found an aquifer many times larger than previously estimated -- at least 81 cubic kilometers. The finding has implications for ...
A new study shows that long-term exposure to air pollution contributes to millions of deaths in India. The research emphasizes the need for stricter air quality regulations in the ...
AI predicts that most of the world will see temperatures rise to 3C much faster than previously ...

Latest Society/Education Headlines

updated 12:03pm EST