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Popular Culture News

July 26, 2024

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Efforts to tackle false information through fact-checking or media literacy initiatives increases the public's skepticism toward 'fake news'. However, they also breed distrust in genuine, fact-based ...
One-sided relationships with YouTubers are more emotionally fulfilling than talking to casual friends, a new study ...
A computer scientist has shown the power of language to predict harm -- this time to the nation's ...
Sports, beyond entertainment, foster community and belonging, benefiting both individuals and society. Despite its recognized positive effects, limited evidence exists on the link between watching sports and well-being. To address this gap, a team ...

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updated 9:50pm EDT

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In a new study on the impact of doomscrolling from an existential perspective, researchers warn that habitual checking of disturbing stories on social media is linked with changes to how we view ...

Board gaming is a growing industry, and anecdotally popular among people who display autistic traits. Now new research has highlighted the science supporting the anecdote -- and the important reasons ...

A new study suggests that giving users control over the interface feature of autoplay can help them realize that they are going down a rabbit hole. The work has implications for responsibly designing ...

Researchers have developed an end-to-end system to enhance the viewing experience by eliminating visual distractions caused by overlapping camera ...

There's a large and growing body of evidence pointing to potentially negative impacts of social media on mental health, from its addictive nature to disruptions in sleep patterns to effects on ...

Legislators love bundling things together. It lets them accomplish more with less hassle and attempt to make legislation more appealing to a broader group. But a new study suggests that this can ...

Dartmouth researchers tracked more than 200 undergraduates for all four years of college to capture the most in-depth data yet on how students' self-esteem and mental health fluctuates during ...

Violence against teachers is likely to be higher in schools that focus on grades and test scores than in schools that emphasize student learning, a new study has ...

The way companies announce new products or build up hype can often influence their success once those new products hit the market, according to new research. Whether it's an upcoming blockbuster ...

Researchers conducted a study in which they showed four classrooms to students and asked about their perceptions of masculine traits versus feminine traits of the rooms. They also showed the same ...

People process information more efficiently but tend to be less vigilant about misinformation on their mobile phones compared to personal computers (PCs). This is especially true for users who have ...

And after nearly two years of fighting, war is destroying Ukraine’s cultural heritage on a scale not seen since World War II, according to new ...

Partners and children who are subject to domestic abuse are more likely to experience certain physical and mental health effects than previously thought, according to a new ...

A new study zooming in on how smartphones influence our photography habits found Australians aged 20 to 40 years old take more selfies than teenagers and older ...

As possibilities have changed and technology has advanced, memories and nostalgia are now a significant part of our use of social ...

Recent research has found that backers of crowdfunding projects participate, in part, because they enjoy a sense of indirect success and the feeling that they are contributing to something bigger ...

Music can take on many forms in cultures across the globe, but researchers have found in a new study that some themes are universally recognizable by people everywhere with one notable exception -- ...

A recent study of 425 Quebecers between the ages of 18 and 25 has found that young adults who have more frequent psychotic experiences also tend to spend more time using digital media. Interestingly, ...

Legal restrictions placed on the amount of time young people in China can play video games may be less effective than originally thought, a new study has ...

Social media can help women in Egypt identify more resources to help stop domestic violence, according to a study led by MIT ...

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