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Allergy News

July 26, 2024

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Early exposure to antibiotics can trigger long term susceptibility to asthma, according to new research. Importantly the research team isolated a molecule produced by gut bacteria that in the future ...
A study has identified a potential new treatment for food allergies in inulin, a naturally occurring plant fiber commonly used as a supplement, a prebiotic in soda, a replacement for sweeteners and ...
Scientists have identified how the first domino falls after a person encounters an allergen, such as peanuts, shellfish, pollen or dust mites. Their discovery could herald the development of drugs to ...
Feeding children peanuts regularly from infancy to age five was linked to a reduced rate of peanut allergy in adolescence, by 71%, even after many years when the children ate or avoided peanut as ...

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updated 10:14pm EDT

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Scientists have produced an organoid model of the human conjunctiva. These organoids mimic the function of the actual human conjunctiva, a tissue involved in tear production. Using their new model, ...

Measuring airborne grass allergen levels instead of pollen counts will be more beneficial for hay fever sufferers as new research shows grass allergen levels are more consistently associated with hay ...

Researchers have gained a deeper understanding of the nuanced roles of JAK inhibitors, or modulators, in inflammation across various cell types and ...

Researchers have identified an allergy pathway that, when blocked, unleashes antitumor immunity in mouse models of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).  And in an early parallel study in humans, ...

Allergic responses to common foods such as dairy and peanuts can increase the risk for heart disease and cardiovascular death as much or more than smoking, new research suggests. And these dangerous ...

Measuring skin water loss during food allergy tests may help predict anaphylaxis and keep patients safe. The method aims to detect the life threatening reaction before epinephrine injections are ...

Scientists have uncovered a group of immune cells that may drive severe asthma. These cells gather in the lungs and appear to cause the most harm in men who develop asthma in later ...

A clinical study showed how Peanut Sublingual Immunotherapy (Peanut SLIT) is safe and effective in children ranging from 1-to-4 years of age. Remission of peanut allergy was also possible after three ...

It can be a relief to scratch the occasional itch, but when itch gets out of control, it can become a serious health problem. How does the body know when to ...

The notion that some level of microbial exposure might reduce our risk of developing allergies has arisen over the last few decades and has been termed the hygiene hypothesis. Now, an article ...

Researchers reported for the first time that a genetic biomarker may be able to help predict the severity of food allergy reactions. Currently there is no reliable or readily available clinical ...

Several major childhood allergies may all stem from the community of bacteria living in our gut, according to a new study. The research identifies gut microbiome features and early life influences ...

Having a food allergy as a baby is linked to asthma and reduced lung function later in childhood, according to a new ...

In 2017, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced a dramatic reversal in its approach to peanut-allergy prevention, recommending parents expose their infants as young as four months old to ...

Columbia researchers have found why babies are susceptible to repeated bouts of common respiratory infections--but also have a unique weapon to fight off new pathogens that healthy adults ...

Many low-risk patients with a penicillin allergy were able to have their penicillin allergy label removed through a simple procedure known as 'direct oral challenge' as part of a ...

The function of mast cells, which are part of the immune system, is still a mystery. Scientists have now shown in mice: mast cells function as a sensor that signals the animals to avoid antigens, ...

Simply the smell of seafood can make those with an allergy to it violently ill -- and therefore more likely to avoid it. The same avoidance behavior is exhibited by people who develop food poisoning ...

New research is bolstering scientific understanding behind why some people are more prone to allergies than others. Researchers have identified how genetic differences that alter a specific protein ...

Asthma is more dangerous than many people realize. An estimated 10 Americans die every day from asthma, and the disease leads to around 439,000 hospitalizations and 1.3 million emergency room trips ...

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