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Epigenetics Research News

July 26, 2024

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Researchers have discovered that in thale cresses histone H3 lysine-9 (H3K9) methylation, conventionally thought to be a mark of turning off gene transcription, can also turn on gene expression via the interactions of two other proteins and histone ...
A recent study provides new insights into how fathers' diets and overweight can affect their children's health even before conception. The findings of the study can help develop preventive health measures for men wishing to become fathers: The ...
A recent study led to the development of a powerful epigenetic editing technology. The system unlocks the ability to precisely program chromatin modifications at any specific position in the genome, to understand their causal role in transcription ...
A research consortium provides evidence that social behavior and social status are reflected at the molecular level of gene activation (epigenome) in juvenile and adult free-ranging spotted hyenas. ...

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updated 9:11pm EDT

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Recent discoveries in the field of epigenetics, the study of inheritance of traits that occur without changing the DNA sequence, have shown that chronological age in mammals correlates with ...

Scientists have identified a key part of a mechanism that annotates genetic information before it is passed from fathers to their offspring. The findings shed new light on genomic imprinting, a ...

A bitter taste in the mouth is often a symptom or side effect of illness, which may be the result of how the body reacts to pathogens. A new study sheds light on the mechanisms involved in the ...

An international research team details changes in DNA that researchers found are shared by humans and other mammals throughout history and are associated with life span and numerous other ...

A major new study reveals a 'traffic light' mechanism controlling genetic activity within cells -- a system which could potentially be targeted by cancer drugs already in development. The ...

More than 2,500 genes exhibit significant sex differences in expression in mouse alveolar type II cells (AT2s), important for keeping the lungs functioning, potentially explaining sex biases in the ...

The gene-silencing complex HUSH might be involved in complex disorders affecting the brain and neurons. However, its mechanism of action remains unclear. Researchers now uncover the in vivo targets ...

Toxicologists have found that the protein p53 continuously protects our cells from tumorigenesis by coordinating important metabolic processes that stabilize their ...

Researchers describe how different types of repetitive DNA elements are controlled by the same silencing mechanism in fruit fly ovaries. Central to their findings is an uncharacterized protein that ...

Changing the epigenetic marks on chromosomes leads to altered gene expression in offspring and in grandoffspring, demonstrating 'transgenerational epigenetic inheritance.' Without altering ...

Changes known as epigenetic modifications play an important role in cancer development, among other things. Being able to analyze them quickly and reliably could, for example, contribute ...

A fundamental discovery about a driver of healthy development in embryos could rewrite our understanding of what can be inherited from our parents and how their life experiences may shape ...

Gene editing may be a potential treatment for anxiety and alcohol use disorder in adults who were exposed to binge drinking in their adolescence, according to the results of an animal study. The ...

Researchers have discovered a gene responsible for prenatal death when critical epigenetic instructions are missing from egg cells. The study shows that in mice, failed epigenetic suppression of an ...

Researchers have found that heterozygous loss of the methyl-CpG binding protein Zbtb38 downregulated the expression of the transcription factors Nanog and Sox2, as well as genes involved in epiblast ...

Researchers have revealed how an 'accordion effect' is critical to switching off genes, in a study that transforms the fundamentals of what we know about gene silencing. The finding expands ...

How is the activity of genes regulated by the packaging of DNA? To answer this question, researchers developed a technique to measure both gene expression and DNA packaging at the same ...

Animals often use highly specific signals to warn their herd about approaching predators. Surprisingly, similar behaviors are also observed among plants. Shedding more light on this phenomenon, ...

In humans and other eukaryotes, two principal epigenetic marks are known. A team has discovered a third, novel epigenetic mark -- one formerly known only in bacteria -- in bdelloid rotifers, small ...

A new study has shown that the effects of pollutants can be transmitted over many generations in water fleas and may persist long enough to influence the evolutionary process. The research adds new ...

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