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Consumer Behavior News

July 26, 2024

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Consumers' attitudes and health behaviors respond negatively to the switch to daylight saving ...
A marketing professor articulates the appeal of inflicting mild misfortune on others, such as tossing pies into faces, for the purpose of charitable fundraising. The paper provides insights on how to best use this strategy to maximize charitable ...
By ditching 'pop psychology myths' about habits, we can better understand our habits and take more effective action, according to ...
A new study found a distinct relationship between sleep duration, social media usage, and brain activation across brain regions that are key for executive control and reward ...

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updated 10:57pm EDT

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Researchers discovered that feedback plus cash incentives designed with insights from behavioral science reduces phone use while ...

A study has found that when using cashless methods of payment, individuals tend to spend more when ...

Americans' interest in a potentially harmful 'magic mushroom' is soaring, according to a new study. The scientists suggest that the growing market for Amanita muscaria may be sparked ...

Giving a regular cash payment to the entire world population has the potential to increase global gross domestic product (GDP) by 130%, according to a new analysis. Researchers suggest that charging ...

A strong belief in the Protestant Work Ethic might underpin the decision-making of many people choosing 'natural' approaches to healthcare, new research suggests. Academics say their paper ...

New research has found a connection between pleasant weather conditions and higher investment in lottery-like ...

Being stressed while witnessing injustice may push your brain towards altruism, according to a new ...

Scented products with relevant images on their packaging and branding, such as flowers or fruit, are more attractive to potential customers and score better in produce evaluations, new research ...

A country's economic prosperity is linked with improved well-being in its residents, according to a new ...

Everyone indulges in wishful thinking now and again. But when is that most likely to happen and when could it actually be harmful? A new study demonstrates unequivocally that the greater the ...

Employers who have introduced team-based rewards systems to foster creativity, collaboration, productivity and sales may want to look again at a system that new research shows can create an ...

How did cooperative behavior prevail in human evolution? Researchers have challenged two prevailing explanations -- repeated interactions on the one hand or group competition on the other. Instead, ...

Trust, a cornerstone of human interaction, has a significant genetic component, according to new ...

New research used brain scanning technology to understand the effect of advertisements that try to sell products with talking versions of themselves. The work suggests that that anthromorphic ...

Elderly adults lose billions to financial scams by people they trust every year. New psychological research suggests this vulnerability could be linked to older adults' overrliance on initial ...

In a survey involving a total of 2,472 respondents, researchers asked participants about nonpolitical and political moral behavior and nonpolitical and political moral tolerance. They found people ...

Many Indigenous peoples and local communities around the world are leading very satisfying lives despite having very little money. This research shows that many societies with very low monetary ...

Having more women in agriculture is associated with greater community well-being, according to researchers. Their work suggests that women farmers approach their operations in ways that positively ...

New research finds that social media platforms and the metrics that reward content creators for revealing their innermost selves to fans open creators up to identity-based ...

People who abandon New Year's resolutions or other commitments can maintain the respect of their peers by blaming external factors such as lack of money, new research suggests. Studies have ...

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